Progression... ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Hello everyone!
The game has been progressing.. and I've made some notorious changes to it
First and foremost, now the game uses the sprites from the original game, since the default ones from RPG Maker MV didn't fit in with the characters.
Next up is more progression in the story, i have made some advancements in the story and how it will play
After that, sprite work, i want to make that the last thing before finishing this project, currently, i have like a 8% progression on this game, this is because of me being busy with my private life, which has lead me to not put time developing this game. I want to make something that i have never tried before in my life, and that is the main goal of this project.

Speaking of goals, lets talk about them. My goal is for this project is to be a 5-10 hour (or higher) game, i am looking for ways to introduce mechanics that make the game more lengthy.

The journey is only beginning, but i will have a bright feature.

Thanks to the 2 people that will read this, i love y'all! (As a gift, have 2 screenshots of WIPs)
-ILOVELACE69 (or just refer to me as KanecKi) (Ka - Neck - Ki)

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